Hi all,

For our July meeting, we’ll be gathering at Encuentro 5 (http://www.encuentro5.org/home/) to collaboratively research & write responses to unanswered questions on the Radical Reference website (http://www.radicalreference.info/). If you’ve never answered a question on the Rad Ref site before, this will be a good opportunity to learn how to create an account, compose an answer, and post it. We can buddy-up or get into small groups to make the research more fun. Encuentro 5 has generously agreed to let us use their computers, so there’s no need to bring your own laptop (unless you want to save your Rad Ref account/log-in data in your own browser).

This will be a great meeting for all members — old and new, and for folks curious about Rad Ref but not sure about what we do, exactly. It’s also a great opportunity to help out without making a commitment to an ongoing Boston RR Collective project.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. I (Alana) have some extra letterpress posters I made for Rad Ref last year, and will be happy to distribute them to folks who come & would be willing to find a place to post them in the Boston area. This is another way to get the word out about the work Radical Reference is doing online and in Boston.